Essential Oils vs. Fragrance Oils in Candles

Essential Oils vs. Fragrance Oils in Candles

Have you ever used the terms essential oil and fragrance oil interchangeably?  Well, you’re not alone; it’s an honest mistake that many consumers of perfumes, cosmetics, and scented candles make. Despite our tendency to categorize both as the same; it’s important to understand the differences, uses, and benefits of each. Keep reading and by the end of this article you will have a better understanding of how and why they differ as it relates to scented candles.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are 100% natural oils extracted from plant material (flowers, leaves, trees, grass, fruit, etc.). They are sourced from all around the world; making some rare and very expensive.  Unlike fragrance oils, the process of extracting essential oils is complicated and laborious. In order to maintain purity and potency, essential oils are extracted through distillation and solve-extraction. The final product is an all-natural oil that has an intoxicating aroma with a multitude of therapeutic properties.

Fragrance Oils

Fragrance oils are synthetic and can be a combination of both natural and artificial fragrance ingredients. Typically they are manufactured in laboratories and undergo chemical processing; making them relatively common and inexpensive (cost-effective) compared to essential oils.  Unlike essential oils, fragrance oils have no therapeutic benefits and have the sole function of being fragrant. The final product is a cost effective, mass produced, and easily accessible fragrance oil. As an aside, there are manufactures that have expertise in producing (nature-identical) fragrance oils that are of higher quality.

Key Differences

  • Essential oils are all-natural.

  • Fragrance oils are synthetic.

  • Essential oils have therapeutic properties.

  • Fragrance oils have no therapeutic properties.

  • Essential oils have scents that derive from the plant source it was extracted from.

  • Fragrance oils have scents that are artificial and are designed to replicate a desired aroma.

  • Essential oils have a shorter shelf life (relative to fragrance oils).

  • Fragrance oils have a longer shelf life (relative to essential oils).

  • Essential oils are more expensive (relative to fragrance oils).

  • Fragrance oils are less expensive (relative to essential oils).

Benefits | Uses

  • Essential oils are used in aromatherapy and are considered to have therapeutic properties (stress relief, headache relief, calming effect, etc.). In addition, essential oils are commonly used for perfumes, cosmetics, foods, and luxury scented candles.

  • Fragrance oils are used in a multitude of consumer products (perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, detergents, scented candles, etc.) and are a cost-effective way to mass produce a versatile and durable fragrant oil.


YouTopia Candle Co. hopes that our comparison and “expert” analysis has shed some light on the common misconceptions pertaining to essential oils and fragrance oils.  Each has a unique purpose and benefit in the manufacturing and consumption of scented candles.  If you’re a consumer that prioritizes health and wellness…the choice is obvious.  If you’re a consumer that prioritizes price and accessibility…the choice is obvious.  I’m intentionally being coy; because it’s a personal choice that depends on your individual needs, values, and budget. Digest the information above and you will have all the necessary tools to make an informed purchasing decision. Visit our Online Store if you wish to join the family and support an ethical luxury candle brand that promotes health & wellness.

Key Vocabulary: distillation, solve extraction, synthetic, therapeutic properties, aromatherapy, nature-identical fragrance oils



Label me overly ambitious…however the intent of this blog is two pronged:

- Offer guidance and solutions for ardent candlemakers and connoisseurs who want to turn their hobby into a profitable business.

- Share hacks, tips and tricks for candle lovers who just want to maximize the life (burn time) and benefits of their candles.

What qualifies me to dispense information on this topic?

Despite having an extensive background in business and entrepreneurship, I was unprepared for some of the pitfalls and nuances that are limited to candle making and the candle business.

Much like you, along my journey I had to filter out the abundance of misinformation in the candle making community and find pertinent and reliable resources. After years of exhaustive research, thorough testing, costly consultations with industry leading experts; I was able to take the aggregate data and develop my own successful business processes.

In short, I’ve been there and done that. My goal is to keep your dreams from extinguishing due to lack of information, lack of preparedness and lack of reliable resources.

Education/Professional Background:

- CEO | YouTopia Candle Co. LLC - Current

- Master of Business Administration (MBA) - 2016

- Graduate Marketing Degree - 2017

- Graduate Accounting Degree - 2022


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