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Top 5: Best Candle Wax Type?

Have you given much thought to which type of wax your favorite candle is made of? Polling suggest that most consumers (of candles) prioritize price, scent and color when making a purchasing decision; however, it is my “expert” opinion that wax type may be the single best indicator of a candle’s quality. Wax is the fuel and has substantial influence over the toxicity, scent throw, burn time, and overall performance characteristics of your candle.

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Wooden Wicks vs. Cotton Wicks

Have you been browsing for a scented candle and can’t decide which wick style (wooden or cotton) is right for you? Well, I have some great news…there’s no right or wrong answer. It’s simply a matter of understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each and deciding based on your personal preferences.

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Best Candle Scents: A Better Night’s Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping or want to naturally improve your sleep health? Experts in the field have concluded, through in-depth studies and extensive research, that particular aromas promote relaxation and a better night’s sleep. YouTopia Candle Co. has compiled a short list of candle fragrances that could help our valued customers minimize challenges related to poor sleep habits or sleep disorders.

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Essential Oils vs. Fragrance Oils in Candles

Have you ever used the terms essential oil and fragrance oil interchangeably? Well, you’re not alone; it’s an honest mistake that many consumers of perfumes, cosmetics, and scented candles make. Despite our tendency to categorize both as the same; it’s important to understand the differences, uses, and benefits of each.

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Characteristics of A Luxury Candle?

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase… “In this world, you get what you pay for.” This phrase couldn’t be more accurate when purchasing a scented candle; not all candles are created equal.

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Candle Care 101: Expert Guide

Candle Care

Experts agree that proper candle care is essential to maximize the benefits of your luxury scented candle.  Never underestimate the value of routine candle care, it will extend the burn time, maximize the scent throw of your candle, as well as decrease the potential for fire hazards.

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